(LJS) a comparison of Cursor AI Editor, Gemini Live, Project IDX from Google, OpenAI Canvas, and GitHub Copilot

a comparison of Cursor AI Editor, Gemini Live, Project IDX from Google, OpenAI Canvas, and GitHub Copilot

Cursor AI Editor

  • Purpose: An AI-powered code editor designed to enhance productivity by integrating AI capabilities directly into the development environment.

  • Features:

    • Intelligent code completion

    • Code review and suggestions

    • Documentation generation

    • Refactoring assistance

    • Debugging support

    • Natural language commands

  • Strengths: Seamless integration of AI into the coding workflow, privacy-focused with SOC 2 certification, and support for various extensions and themes.

Gemini Live

  • Purpose: An advanced voice assistant by Google, designed for natural, multi-turn conversations and complex verbal interactions.

  • Features:

  • Strengths: Enhanced voice assistant experience, capable of handling complex topics and providing advice, available on Android devices.

Project IDX from Google

  • Purpose: A cloud-based, AI-assisted workspace for full-stack, multiplatform app development.

  • Features:

  • Strengths: Streamlined development workflow, cloud-based scalability, and security, with a focus on full-stack development.

OpenAI Canvas

  • Purpose: A new interface for working with ChatGPT on writing and coding projects, designed to go beyond simple chat.

  • Features:

  • Strengths: Enhanced collaboration with ChatGPT, better context understanding, and iterative coding support.

GitHub Copilot

  • Purpose: An AI coding assistant that helps developers write code faster and with less effort.

  • Features:

  • Strengths: Proven to increase developer productivity, extensive language and framework support, and seamless integration with GitHub.


  • Cursor AI Editor: Best for developers looking for an AI-integrated code editor with strong privacy features.

  • Gemini Live: Ideal for users seeking an advanced voice assistant for natural conversations and complex interactions.

  • Project IDX: Suitable for full-stack developers who prefer a cloud-based, AI-assisted development environment.

  • OpenAI Canvas: Great for collaborative writing and coding projects with enhanced context understanding.

GitHub Copilot: Perfect for developers wanting real-time code suggestions and integration with GitHub.

Resourceful Humans as AI Developers are available here,

(LSJ) Connecting Lifetime World’s DWS IQ Cloud into NVIDIA Earth-2 (scenario for V5 DWS project Montreaux ”Highway Star”)

Connecting Lifetime World’s DWS IQ Cloud into NVIDIA Earth-2 (scenario for V5 DWS project Montreaux ”Highway Star”).


NVIDIA Earth-2 is a new initiative by NVIDIA.

Earth-2 is a digital twin of the Earth, a virtual replica of our planet that can be used for various purposes such as climate modeling, weather forecasting, and sustainability research. It’s a massive undertaking that leverages NVIDIA’s expertise in AI, HPC, and visualization.

As for APIs, I couldn’t find any specific information on publicly available APIs for Earth-2. It’s likely that the APIs and development tools for Earth-2 are not yet publicly available or are still in development.

However, based on NVIDIA’s description of Earth-2, it’s possible that the following APIs and technologies might be involved or relevant:

1. NVIDIA Omniverse: As a platform for building and simulating virtual worlds, Omniverse might be used as a foundation for Earth-2. The Omniverse API could be used to create and interact with the digital twin of the Earth.

2. NVIDIA CUDA: As a parallel computing platform, CUDA could be used to accelerate the complex simulations and computations required for Earth-2.

3. NVIDIA TensorRT: As a deep learning inference engine, TensorRT could be used to optimize and run AI models on Earth-2, enabling tasks like climate modeling and weather forecasting.

4. NVIDIA RAPIDS: As a suite of open-source software libraries for GPU-accelerated data science, RAPIDS could be used to accelerate data processing and analysis on Earth-2.

5. NVIDIA Isaac Sim: As a simulation platform for robotics and AI, Isaac Sim could be used to simulate and test scenarios on Earth-2, such as climate change mitigation strategies.

(Created with assistance of lLama-3)


Risto Anton

Risto Anton is the Founder of

Lifetime Group, Business Owner

Lifetime Studios

Lifetime Consulting

Lifetime HR Solutions

Lifetime Publishing

Lifetime Logistics

+358 400 319 010

(LSJ) Miksi asiakkaat valitsevat meidät?

Asiantuntijan muuntaminen asiakkuuksiksi (konversio) tarkoittaa prosessia, jossa potentiaaliset asiakkaat tai liidit ”muunnetaan” maksaviksi asiakkaiksi palveluista, kuten konsultoinnista, digitaalisesta sisällöstä kuten Lifetime World, sähköisistä tuotteista kuten eBookeista, tai konsultoinnista kuten markkinoinnin automaation rakentamisesta.

Apuna tässä käytetään digitaalisen markkinoinnin ja myynnin automaation keinoja.

Seuraavassa on esitetty tärkeimmät asiakasta puhuttelevat asiat

1. Luottamus ja uskottavuus

Luottamus on ammattipalveluiden perusta. Asiakkaat arvioivat usein luotettavuutta suositusten, sertifikaattien, palkintojen ja käytännössä osoitetun asiantuntemuksen avulla.

Lifetime - Advisors You Trust.

2. Suhteen rakentaminen

Henkilökohtainen vuorovaikutus, asiakkaan tarpeiden ymmärtäminen ja johdonmukainen viestintä voivat edistää vahvempia suhteita, jotka voivat vaikuttaa ostopäätöksiin.

Lifetime World - join our Mission to fight climate change, erosion, and droughts.

3. Arvoehdotus (value proposition)

Kerro selkeästi palvelusi edut ja ainutlaatuiset edut.

Miten ratkaiset asiakkaan ongelman?

Miksi heidän pitäisi valita sinut kilpailijoiden sijaan?

Lifetime Store tarjoaa joukon asiantuntijatuotteita. Esim. valmentava johtajuus - tieto-ohjatun organisaatiossa.

4. Selkeys ja läpinäkyvyys

Asiakkaat arvostavat selkeää ymmärrystä palveluprosessista, toteutusaikataulusta, suorituksista ja hinnoittelusta. Lisäksi asiakkaat arvostavat nopeaa ja vaivatonta ostamistapahtumaa verkkokaupasta.

25 tunnin hinnoittelumalli jossa asiakas ostaa palvelua kiinteän määrän seuraaviksi 12 kuukaudeksi.

5. Maine ja menneisyys

Tapaustutkimusten, lausuntojen ja arvostelujen esittely voi vaikuttaa suuresti päätöksiin.

Hyvä maine markkinoilla usein edeltää konversiota.

Lifetime palveluliiketoiminta on hyvämaineista.

6. Viittaukset sekä referenssit

Suusta suuhun ja tyytyväisiltä asiakkailta saadut viittaukset voivat olla tehokkaita tekijöitä, koska niihin sisältyy tietty sisäinen luottamus.

7. Reagointikyky

Oikea-aikainen ja tehokas viestintä on ratkaisevan tärkeää. Saavutettavuus ja kyselyiden nopea vastaaminen voivat vaikuttaa valtavasti. Markkinoiden muutosten ymmärtäminen palveluissa.

8. Asiakkaiden tarpeiden ymmärtäminen

Asiakkaan haasteiden syvällisen ymmärryksen osoittaminen ja ratkaisujen räätälöinti vastaamaan asiakkaan erityistarpeita voi olla ratkaiseva tekijä.

9. Joustavuus

Palvelutarjonnan, hinnoittelun tai toimituksen mukautumiskyky voi tehdä palveluistasi houkuttelevampia eri asiakkaille.

10. Ajatusjohtajuus

Kun sinut nähdään alan johtajana tai asiantuntijana blogeissa, seminaareissa, webinaareissa tai julkaisuissa, asiakkaat pitävät sinua parhaana valintana.

11. Selkeä hinnoittelu

Vaikka palvelusi olisivat korkeahintaisia, kustannusten selkeä ja ennakkoluuloton kertominen voi estää mahdolliset väärinkäsitykset tai epäröinnit.

12. Teknologiset edistysaskeleet

Uusimpien työkalujen ja teknologioiden käyttäminen ei ainoastaan ​​optimoi palvelujasi, vaan myös juurruttaa potentiaalisissa asiakkaissa luottamusta nykyaikaiseen lähestymistapaasi.

13. Takuut

Soveltuvissa tapauksissa jonkinlaisen tyytyväisyystakuun tarjoaminen voi vähentää palveluiden vuokraamiseen liittyviä havaittuja riskejä.


Pohjimmiltaan päätös asiantuntijapalvelujen ostamisesta riippuu pitkälti luottamuksesta, koetusta arvosta ja varmuudesta, että valittu palveluntarjoaja pystyy ratkaisemaan asiakkaan ongelman tai vastaamaan hänen tarpeisiinsa, niin nyt kuin tulevaisuudessa (lifetime value).

(LSJ) Norway Offshore wind and watering soccer fields in Sahara to build an Erosion Belt

According to a recent analysis, Norway has the potential to develop up to 338 GW of offshore wind in areas with a low level of conflict, of which 156 GW and up to 219 GW would account for floating wind, while between 85 GW and 119 GW would account for fixed-bottom wind.

How many windmills size of 14 MW this would entail?

To determine the number of 14 MW wind turbines required to develop 338 GW of offshore wind capacity:


Total desired capacity = 338 GW = 338,000 MW

Capacity of one wind turbine = 14 MW

So, you would need approximately 24,143 wind turbines of 14 MW each to develop 338 GW of offshore wind capacity.

How much hydrogen (H2) would this generate in the best scenarios?

To calculate the amount of hydrogen that could be generated from this offshore wind potential, we'd need a few additional pieces of information:

Capacity Factor of the Wind Farms

Not all of the 338 GW would be producing electricity all the time. Wind farms have a capacity factor that indicates the percentage of the maximum output that they produce on average. For offshore wind, this might range between 30% to 50%, depending on various factors.

Efficiency of Electrolysis

The efficiency of water electrolysis for hydrogen production, which is typically around 60-80%.

Water Electrolysis Energy Requirement

To produce 1 kg of hydrogen, it takes about 50-60 kWh of electricity via electrolysis.

Given these approximations, let's make some assumptions to make a rough estimate:

1. **Capacity Factor**: Let's assume a capacity factor of 40% for simplicity.

2. **Electrolysis Efficiency**: Let's assume a value of 70%.

3. **Energy Requirement for 1 kg of Hydrogen**: We'll use 55 kWh.

Now, let's calculate the yearly energy produced by the offshore wind:

[ ext{Yearly Energy Production (kWh)} = 338 imes 10^9 ext{W} imes 0.4 imes 24 imes 365 ]

Using this energy, we can calculate the amount of hydrogen produced:

[ ext{Hydrogen (kg)} = rac{ ext{Yearly Energy Production (kWh)}}{55 ext{kWh/kg} imes 1/0.7} ]

Plugging in the values:

[ ext{Yearly Energy Production (kWh)} = 338 imes 10^9 imes 0.4 imes 24 imes 365 ]

[ approx 1.185 imes 10^{15} ext{kWh} ]

[ ext{Hydrogen (kg)} = rac{1.185 imes 10^{15} ext{kWh}}{55 imes 1/0.7} ]

[ approx 1.49 imes 10^{13} ext{kg} ]

In the best scenario, Norway's offshore wind potential could produce approximately 14.9 trillion kg (or 14.9 billion metric tons) of hydrogen annually.

This is a very rough estimate and the actual value can vary based on various factors and technological advancements.

And how much water would this hydrogen generate when burned?

How many soccer fields would it water in Sahara conditions?

Let's break this down step by step.

Hydrogen Production

using the best scenario, Norway's offshore wind potential could produce approximately (1.49 imes 10^{13}) kg (or 14.9 billion metric tons) of hydrogen annually.

Water Production from Burning Hydrogen

When hydrogen burns (combines with oxygen), it forms water. The chemical equation is:

[2H_2 + O_2 ightarrow 2H_2O]

From the equation, 2 moles of hydrogen produce 2 moles of water. Given that the molar mass of hydrogen ((H_2)) is about 2 g/mol, 2 kg of hydrogen will produce approximately 18 kg (or 18 liters) of water since the molar mass of water ((H_2O)) is about 18 g/mol.

So, for (1.49 imes 10^{13}) kg of hydrogen:

[ ext{Water produced} = rac{18 ext{ liters}}{2 ext{ kg}} imes 1.49 imes 10^{13} ext{ kg} ]

[ approx 1.34 imes 10^{14} ext{ liters} ]

[ approx 134 trillion liters of water annually ]

Watering Soccer Fields in Sahara Conditions

The Sahara desert is one of the driest places on Earth. Let's make a rough estimate that to turn a piece of Sahara into a grassy soccer field, you'd need to water it with about 10,000 liters of water daily (this is a ballpark estimate, actual values might vary based on soil conditions, grass type, etc.).

A soccer field (FIFA regulations) has an area of approximately 7,140 square meters.

So, the amount of water needed for one soccer field for a year is:

[ 10,000 ext{ liters/day} imes 365 ext{ days} = 3.65 imes 10^6 ext{ liters/year} ]

Given the amount of water produced:

[ ext{Number of soccer fields} = rac{1.34 imes 10^{14} ext{ liters}}{3.65 imes 10^6 ext{ liters/field}} ]

[ approx 3.67 imes 10^7 ext{ fields} ]

[ approx 36.7 million soccer fields annually ]

In the best scenario, the hydrogen produced from Norway's offshore wind potential, when burned, could produce enough water to water approximately 36.7 million soccer fields in Sahara conditions annually.

If the erosion belt is built on the southern side of sahara full lenght how wide it would then be?

the number of fields in length would be approximately 45,714 fields (for the 4,800 kilometers).

Alright, let's determine the width of the erosion belt using 36.7 million soccer fields, placed along the southern side of the Sahara, which has an approximate length of 4,800 kilometers.

The Width of the Erosion Belt

Using the average length of a soccer field, which is 105 meters, the number of fields in length for the 4,800 kilometers would be:

\[ \text{Number of fields in length} = \frac{4,800,000 \text{ meters}}{105 \text{ meters/field}} \]

\[ \text{Number of fields in length} \approx 45,714 \]

Given the 36.7 million fields total:

\[ \text{Width in fields} = \frac{36,700,000 \text{ total fields}}{45,714 \text{ fields in length}} \]

\[ \text{Width in fields} \approx 802.72 \]

Since each field is approximately 70 meters wide on average:

\[ \text{Width in meters} = 802.72 \text{ fields} \times 70 \text{ meters/field} \]

\[ \text{Width in meters} \approx 56,190 \text{ meters} \]

\[ \text{Width in kilometers} \approx 56.19 \text{ km} \]

So, if the erosion belt built on the southern side of the Sahara spans the full length, it would need to be approximately 56.19 kilometers wide using 36.7 million soccer fields.

Other Constructs for the Erosion Belt

Irrigation Systems: Efficient watering systems to ensure grass and plants receive adequate moisture.

Native Vegetation: Planting native trees, shrubs, and grasses that are drought-resistant and can help anchor the soil.

Water Storage:

Reservoirs or underground storage systems to capture and store water for dry periods.

Soil Management:

Techniques to improve soil fertility, such as the introduction of organic matter or compost.


Roads, maintenance facilities, and possibly residential areas for workers or caretakers.

Monitoring and Data Collection Systems:

To track progress, assess the health of the vegetation, and adjust strategies as needed.

Wildlife Considerations:

As the region becomes more hospitable, animals will naturally migrate to the area. Provisions may be needed to protect certain species or manage their populations.

Education and Community Engagement:

Working with local communities to educate and engage them in the preservation and maintenance of the erosion belt.

Research Facilities:

To study and develop better methods for desert reclamation and to ensure the long-term success of the initiative.

Given the vastness of the Sahara, ongoing research, monitoring, and adaptation would be crucial for the success of such a massive project.

What would the cost of the erosion belt, given that all machinery are using hydrogen as their fuel ?

How many years it would take to be fully operational?

Given is 36.7 million soccer fields and we cover Southern side on Sahara only. If the project is paid with the revenue of selling all electricity with a profit of 12% and growing grass is sold to farmers how much investors pay-back time would be?

Calculating a hypothetical project's cost and payback period involves numerous variables and assumptions. I'll provide a rough estimate based on your provided details and using data available up to September 2021.

Cost Factors for the Erosion Belt

the cost to develop the belt based on 36.7 million soccer fields is approximately $3.33 billion.

Revenue from Selling Electricity

If Norway developed the entire potential 338 GW of offshore wind and sold this electricity, they would have significant revenue.

- Assume a conservative rate of $0.05 per kWh (which is in the ballpark for wholesale electricity prices as of 2021).

- If the wind turbines run at an average capacity factor of 40% over the year:

\[ \text{Annual energy production} = 338,000,000 kW \times 0.4 \times 24 hours/day \times 365 days/year = 1,185,120,000,000 kWh/year \]

\[ \text{Annual revenue} = 1,185,120,000,000 kWh/year \times $0.05/kWh = $59.256 billion/year \]

From this, a 12% profit would be:

\[ \text{Profit} = $59.256 billion/year \times 0.12 = $7.1107 billion/year \]

Revenue from Selling Grass

- The exact revenue from selling grass depends on the yield per field, the market price of the grass, and how much of it can be sold.

- Without specific figures, it's challenging to determine this revenue. For simplicity, let's estimate this at $500 million/year.

The erosion belt : Total Revenue

\[ \text{Total Annual Revenue} = $7.1107 billion (from electricity) + $500 million (from grass) = $7.6107 billion/year \]

Payback Time for Investors

Using the total cost of $3.33 billion and the total annual revenue:

\[ \text{Payback Time} = \frac{$3.33 billion}{$7.6107 billion/year} \approx 0.437 years \]

So, with these assumptions and estimates, the investor payback time would be a little over 5 months excluding infrastructure build costs.

It's important to emphasize that this analysis is highly simplified. Real-world projects of this scale involve many additional costs, complexities, and risks that can affect timelines and financial outcomes.


Risto Anton

Risto Anton is the Founder of

Lifetime Group, Business Owner

Lifetime Studios

Lifetime Consulting

Lifetime HR Solutions

Lifetime Publishing

Lifetime Logistics

+358 400 319 010

(LSJ) Toyota opens hydrogen society in Jyväskylä, Finland

Toyota opens hydrogen society in Jyväskylä, Finland to boost its vision of hydrogen ecosystems. Let’s analyze what this decision is based on.

European Hydrogen economy is on the raise

The raise of the European hydrogen economy is the key to achieving the Green Deal’s objective of net-zero global warming emissions by 2050 (chapter 0).

Beyond net-zero we at Lifetime want to stop erosion and droughts using hydrogen economy (chapter 1).

To meet the transition challenge, industries will need climate and resource think-tanks and platforms that are helping them to change.

Enterprises need to develop their commercial applications (and their Scope 3 ready supply chains) that use breakthrough technologies like AI to deliver both chapter objectives of 0, 1.

Lifetime Consulting and our Certified Partners Consortium consist of key software manufactures ( Microsoft, Google, Amazon Web Services, IBM) along with 500+ software ISVs offer an transition partner to the key industrial businesses serving today our clients.

The upcoming Hydrogen ecosystems in Europe involve industries and businesses uniting and bringing their skills, technologies and applications together.

Lifetime World

Transitioning from fossil fuels to hydrogen as an energy source poses several challenges, including:

  1. Infrastructure development: Establishing a hydrogen infrastructure, including production, storage, and distribution facilities, requires significant investment and coordination among various stakeholders. This infrastructure needs to be developed to support the widespread use of hydrogen as an energy source.

  2. Cost: The cost of producing hydrogen from renewable sources is currently higher than that of producing fossil fuels. This cost differential needs to be addressed to make hydrogen more competitive with fossil fuels.

  3. Carbon emissions: Currently, most hydrogen is produced using natural gas and coal, resulting in carbon emissions. To meet climate change targets, hydrogen production needs to be decarbonized, and hydrogen produced from renewables is the most promising option.

  4. Hydrogen leakage: Hydrogen is a leak-prone gas with a potent warming effect that's widely overlooked. To be an effective climate solution, hydrogen must be produced cleanly and used wisely.

  5. Technological innovation: Research and development are needed to improve hydrogen production, storage, and transportation technologies to make them more efficient and cost-effective.

Addressing these challenges requires a concerted effort from governments, industries, and research institutions to promote the adoption of hydrogen as a clean energy source.

For enterprises we present Lifetime World - think-tank that follows our mission to fight climate change, erosion, and droughts with transitioning businesses into electrification age. It is a community for thought leaders, contributors, developers, and CxOs to meet and discuss and offer knowledge sharing.

Join Lifetime World for Free to access hydrogen ecosystem think-tank here. Want to become contributor or good fellow, enterprise partner?

DWS is a tool of transition

Lifetime digital workspace 5 for intelligent industries is a platform connected and accessible through Lifetime World hydrogen ecosystem.

Good example is logistics industries ; truck, bus, taxi fleets and hydrogen infrastructure – where Toyota is helping to create viable businesses that flourish and become economic viable through engineering at the European scale. 




Risto Anton

Risto Anton is the Founder of

Lifetime Group, Business Owner

Lifetime Studios

Lifetime Consulting

Lifetime HR Solutions

Lifetime Publishing

Lifetime Logistics

+358 400 319 010

(LSJ) Ympäristön kestävyysraportointi

Lue myös:


Ympäristön kestävyysraportointi

Ympäristön kestävyysraportointi on tärkeä osa yritysten pyrkimyksiä vähentää ympäristövaikutuksiaan ja parantaa kestävyyttään.

Ympäristön kestävyysraportointi on prosessi, jossa yritys dokumentoi ja julkaisee tietoa toiminnastaan ympäristön kannalta. Raportti sisältää yleensä tietoa yrityksen energiankulutuksesta, vedenkäytöstä, jätehuollosta, hiilidioksidipäästöistä sekä muista ympäristöön liittyvistä asioista.

Ympäristön kestävyysraportointi on tärkeää, koska se auttaa yrityksiä vähentämään ympäristövaikutuksiaan ja parantamaan kestävyyttään. Raportti voi myös auttaa yrityksiä parantamaan mainettaan ja houkuttelemaan uusia asiakkaita.

Ympäristön kestävyysraportointia voidaan tehdä usealla eri tavalla. Yleisin tapa on käyttää kansainvälistä GRI-standardia (Global Reporting Initiative). GRI on luonut kattavan ohjeiston, jonka avulla yritykset voivat raportoida ympäristösuorituksestaan.

Ympäristön kestävyysraportoinnin hyödyt:

  • Yritykset voivat vähentää ympäristövaikutuksiaan ja parantaa kestävyyttään.

  • Raportti voi auttaa yrityksiä parantamaan mainettaan ja houkuttelemaan uusia asiakkaita.

  • Raportti voi auttaa yrityksiä parantamaan toimintaansa ja tehokkuuttaan.

  • Raportti voi auttaa yrityksiä tunnistamaan uusia liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia.

Ympäristön kestävyysraportoinnin haasteet:

  • Raportointi voi olla aikaa vievää ja kallista.

  • Raportointi voi olla monimutkaista, jos yritys toimii useilla eri toimialoilla.

  • Raportointi voi olla haastavaa, kun yrityksellä ei ole hyvää tietoa ympäristövaikutuksistaan.

Vaikka ympäristön kestävyysraportoinnin haasteet ovatkin olemassa, on sen hyödyt yritykselle merkittäviä.

Ympäristön kestävyysraportointi on tärkeä osa yritysten pyrkimyksiä vähentää ympäristövaikutuksiaan ja parantaa kestävyyttään.

Ympäristön kestävyysraportointi on tärkeä osa yritysten ympäristövastuuta. Raportointi auttaa yrityksiä parantamaan ympäristönsuojelutoimiaan ja kommunikoimaan ympäristövastuutaan sidosryhmilleen.

(LSJ) The Lifetime Group Environmental Sustainability Clause is available

The first version of the The Lifetime Group Environmental Sustainability Clause is now available here and on at Lifetime World on LinkedIn.

(LSJ) Green H2 Garden multimodal agent core

(LSJ) Green H2 Garden multimodal agent core

Stop 🛑 Burning. Start Watering 💦🍓🍓🍓✨✨✨

The multimodal agent core for a Green H2 Garden project is important as the solution is autonomous and can operate itself with the given geolocation, available hydrogen H2, the size and purpose of the Garden. The sensors gather data from the ground, plants, air, humidity, temperature etc. all relevant metrics to keep Green H2 Garden operational with as little work in place as is wanted by the Gardener.

Read More

(LSJ) Ihmisten tuottavuuden ja työhyvinvoinnin kehittäminen

Case Study: Ihmisten tuottavuuden ja työhyvinvoinnin kehittäminen

Lifetime Group on käynnistänyt 5. kehitysversion DWS hankkeesta jossa pyrimme vastaamaan mm. seuraaviin lähitulevaisuuden kysymyksiin.                               

Lifetime Oy:n tavoitteena on luoda virtuaalisia (AR/VR) todellisuuksia taistelussa ilmastonmuutosta vastaan ja uusien innovaatioiden kehittämiseen ja muutoksen tekemiseen.

Chapter 0 Net Zero tason aikaansaaminen

Tavoitteena on innostaa, luoda ja kehittää yhdessä työntekijöiden kanssa ratkaisuja ja hankkeita joissa voidaan saavuttaa Net Zero kyvykkyys yritykselle.

Haluamme kehittää logistiikkaa kohti uusiutuvien luonnovarojen hyödyntämistä. Digitaaliset kaksoset auttavat etätyössä olevia ja varmistavat tuottavuuden kehittämisen mm. luovan tekoälyn avulla.

Chapter 1, jossa kehitetään toipuvaa maapalloa

Tarvitaan jatkuvia parannuksia sekä muutoksia prosesseihin, työnkulkuihin, sekä muotoilla entistä parempia yrityksen palveluja ja tuotteita jotka innostavat asiakkaita.

Tehdyt parannukset ja muutokset vaikuttavat luotuun digikaksoseen sekä virtuaalimaailmoihin että yrityksen fyysiseen versioon. Muutoksen läpiviennissä tarvitaan strateginen muutos ja päivitettyjen kyvykkyyksien ja taitojen turvallista hallintaa. Henkilöstöä on koulutettava uuteen paremman tuottavuuden toimintatapaan. Tällöin on hyvä organisoida työn johtamiseen tuottavuusloikkia automaatiolla ja mahdollistaa entistä parempi tuki virtuaaliseen työskentelyyn esimerkiksi chatbot palvelulla joka tuntee yrityksen kaikki tiedot.

Tarvitaan kykeneviä etä-/lähitöitä tukevia esimiehiä sekä digitaalisia apulaisia - co piloteja.

Muutoksen skaalaamistarpeet otetaan arkityössä jatkuvasti huomioon. Ihmiselle tarvitaan in-house coachingia ja tukea.

Tarjotaan työelämäpalveluita ja henkilöstöetuja, vaikka työpisteet ovatkin eri puolilla maailmaa. Uusi toimintatapa vaikuttaa yrityksen tuotekehitykseen ja parantuvaan globaaliin myyntiin. Liiketoimintaa kehitetään globaalissa virtuaalisessa kilpailutilanteessa.


  • Develop virtual (AR/VR) realities for work purposes.

  • Aim to inspire, create, and develop together with employees.

  • Support remote workers and continuously improve productivity.

  • Improve processes, workflows, and company services and products.

  • Changes will impact the digital twin, virtual worlds, and the physical version of the company.

  • Require a strategic change and updated capabilities and skills.

  • Train the staff for better productivity practices.

  • Organize work management and support for virtual work.

  • Need supervisors who support hybrid/remote work and digital assistants - co-pilots.

  • Continuously consider scaling in everyday work.

  • Provide in-house coaching and support for individuals.

  • Offer workplace services and employee benefits even when workstations are located worldwide.

  • The new approach will impact product development and improve global sales.

  • Develop business in the global virtual competitive environment.

(LSJ) Family offices can now Invest directly to Green H2 Garden and DWS to fight climate change

Foreign Family Direct investments (FDI) from the leading family offices to technology sector companies are on the raise. Not only the NASDAQ top platform companies (fe. Amazon, Microsoft Facebook, Google, Apple) are benefiting from this trend. While some family offices may focus strictly on producing the best returns, others are more focused on impact driven investments that not only provide a strong return, but also help improve sustainability.

Today, we want to open channel for you dear investor to invest to Lifetime Group’s project portfolio’s star projects.

Our Investment Portfolio

tech driven family office should look into this opportunity

With this investment portfolio we offer great exit and lucrative market in the crypto growth.

As a service, our advisors want to help family offices to find, evaluate, and to invest in these emerging (AI) technology platforms.

As a service, our advisors want to help family offices to find, evaluate, and to invest in these emerging (AI) technology platforms.

“We are here to help you for evaluating any blockchain and AI related projects as well” says CEO of Lifetime Group, Risto Anton. “Our Advisory service makes it easier for family offices and investors form understanding and for example participate co-investment clubs to bag into a new technology niche platforms” he concludes.

“We are here to support MFOs and SFOs building co innovation, co-creation, co-investment deals”.

“The trend today is that family offices are investing directly in private companies through single-family and multi-family offices in rising numbers as these offices become more sophisticated” according to a study released by Fintrx, a Boston-based Data and Research firm. 

Family offices are doing FDIs (family direct investment)

More than half of the approximate 12,000-15,000 family offices around the world invest directly today. The present is the Best time to find good deals and investment opportunities.

Over the past 20 years, growth in global wealth has resulted in the creation of an estimated 12,000 – 15,000 family offices around the world. No longer simply the province of the world’s 1,500 billionaires, the family office concept now scales to those families with US$200 million or more in investable wealth.

Time to bag some great deals

The direct-investment trend is “consistent with broader trends we’re seeing in the ultra-high-net-worth market toward greater transparency, greater control of investments, and lower fees,” says Paul Ferguson, managing director at Schwab Advisor Family Office. Source: Barrons.

“With the family direct investing, these families have the ability to invest in the specific businesses they want to invest in,” Ferguson says. “They have a lot more control and can have [more of] a positive impact on the business through direct investing than through fund investing.” 

Family offices explained

Family offices are known for their discrete investment behaviour and for cutting large investment checks. Successful family offices are run like a successful business.

A family office is any collection of staff, whether separate from a family business or not, which provides dedicated personal and/or professional services to a family. This often includes one or more individuals managing the operational aspects of family life – such as residences, travel, and asset collections – as well as professional staff managing accounting, tax, estate planning, legal, philanthropic, investment, and administrative matters. A family office can consist of as few as two people or as many as 350. (Source: A Guide to establishing a family office, Citi Private Bank).

According Fintrx report (Source: Analyzing family office direct investment activity sponsored by Schwab) Family Offices are entities, established to manage and invest the wealth of individuals and families of substantial net worth. Family offices are known for their discrete investment behaviour and for cutting large investment checks.


As their names suggest, Single Family Offices (SFOs) manage the wealth of a single family or individual. Multi Family Offices (MFOs) are designed to provide similar services to their Single Family Office counterparts but to a number of wealthy families.

Variants also include private family trust companies that are legally constituted in a form that maximizes tax and estate planning, along with long-term fiduciary oversight. The private trust company may work in concert with a family office, or operate as a standalone entity.

Another model is the family investment company. These entities often undertake investment activities on behalf
of the family, but do not offer support services (residence management, legal and accounting services, etc.) that are often provided by the traditional family offices. Regardless, the common denominator is that the office serves only one family, which may include multiple generations or even family branches.

By leveraging the services of an existing Multi Family Office, these wealthy families can limit the time needed to establish their own wealth advising entity.

Family offices are on the raise: Outsourcing

The FINTRX family office guide estimates that 39% are Single Family Offices and 61% are Multi Family Offices.

Employment at a family office should not be positioned as a road to riches. Outsourcing to lifetime group is alternative approach, especially technical evaluation.

Employment at a family office should not be positioned as a road to riches. Outsourcing to lifetime group is alternative approach, especially technical evaluation.

Families should focus on incentives that promote desired results, healthy risk taking, and long-term relationships. While families may be tempted to offer a wide range of services as part of their family office, an inventory of the costs associated with each service element may result in foregoing or outsourcing certain services.

Investing into EU and to Finland made easier with Lifetime Group family services

“Our due diligence clean report and the investment process is done and your investment is safe with us”

Our new Lifetime Digital Workspace 3 platform project can be reach at EIPP (European Investment Project Portal) and from Business Finland Dealflow.fi platforms to see investor deck.

Our equity need is estimated in real case scenario as 6,59 million euros for 2021-2032.

The fund for CIMSCoin stable coin can be invested directly. Ticket sizes are 25.000.000 twenty five million euros, 10.000.000 ten million euros and 1.000.000 one million euros.

For family offices we offer investor pipeline for co-investments business model and to reach directly over 350 technology projects related to AI, Blockchain, 5G, etc.

Lifetime certified partners consortium is solid investment partner for co-investment, co-innovation, co creation.

Lifetime certified partners consortium is solid investment partner for co-investment, co-innovation, co creation.

Please contact us for investor deck, ticket information or/ and to join clean investor pipeline. For individual investors and Business Angels we have board advisory seats.

thank you of being a lifetime friends !

(LSJ) Case Study: työhyvinvoinnin kehittäminen

Case Study

Työhyvinvoinnin kehittäminen keinotodellisuudessa

Virtual Reality (VR) keinotodellisuus ja augmented reality lisätty todellisuus tulevat muuttamaan edelleen työn suorittamisen tapoja ja paikkaa. 5G sekä 6G mahdollistavat näiden todellisuuksien hyödyntämisen paikasta riippumatta.

Miten luodaan työn tekemiseen tarkoitetut virtuaaliset (AR/VR) todellisuudet, joissa  työntekijät voivat innostua, luoda ja kehittää yhdessä?

Miten ihmisten jaksamista ja hyvinvointia tuetaan virtuaalisessa etätyössä ja varmistetaan tuottavuuden jatkuva kehittäminen?

Mitä muutoksia tarvitaan toimitiloihin, työnkulkuihin, ja luotuihin virtuaalimaailmoihin?

  1. Mitä työnkulkuja voidaan kehittää virtuaalisessa todellisuudessa? 
  2. Mihin business caseihin ja milloin voidaan käyttää laajennettua/ lisättyä todellisuutta?
  3. Mitä voidaan automatisoida heti ja saavuttaa kilpailuetua, entä ensi vuonna?   
  4. Mitä uusia työnkulkuja tarvitaan jotta kilpailukykyä voidaan tehostaa?
  5. Miten uusi toimintatapa on huomioitu yrityksen strategiassa?
  • Kuka hoitaa nämä liiketoimintaprosessien ja työnkulkujen muutokset?

  • Kuka varmistaa että kyvykkyydet ja taidot on päivitetty?

  • Miten varmistetaan että toimintaa kehitetään tietoturvallisesti?

  • Miten kouluttaa henkilöstö tehokkaasti uuteen ajattelu- ja toimintatapaan?

  • Miten menestyä yrityksenä entistä paremmin?

  • Miten organisoidaan työn johtamisen muutos ja tuki virtuaaliseen työskentelyyn?

  1. Millaista in-house coachingia ja tukea esimiestyöhön tarvitsette?

  2. Millaisen etä / lähi toimivan esimiehen tarvitsette ?

  3. Millaisia työelämäpalveluita ja henkilöstöetuja tulette tarjoamaan henkilökohtaisten työpisteiden ollessa melkein missä tahansa maailmassa?

  4. Miten yrityksen tuotekehitys ja myynti järjestetään uuden toimintatavan aikana?

  5. Miten liiketoimintaa kehitetään globaalissa virtuaalisessa kilpailutilanteessa?

Miten työntekijöiden kasvavaa tarvetta skaalataan muutoksessa? 

(LSJ) Collaborative Work Management and how to begin with it?

(LSJ) Collaborative Work Management and how to begin with it?

The next level of work management is called collaborative work management. What does collaborative work management mean (CWM) to my company and my work? let’s take a deep dive into the subject now.

What is Collaborative Work Management?

The Collaborative Work Management market consists of vendors offering task-driven workspaces that support business users in work planning and execution. They combine task, project, workflow, and automation capabilities with conversations, content publishing, reporting, analytics, and dashboards.

In this Lifetime Scope Journal entry we take a deep dive into the workspace life and to the Collaborative Work Management.

Read More

(LSJ) What are Cloud infrastucture and platform services (CISP)?

(LSJ) What are Cloud infrastucture and platform services (CISP)?

Gartner’s new Magic Quadrant for Cloud infrastructure and platform services (ID G00441742. Gartner Report) updates the definition of cloud computing.

Cloud computing is a style of computing in which scalable and elastic IT-enabled capabilities are delivered as a service using internet technologies. Cloud infrastructure and platform services (CIPS) are defined as standardized, highly automated offerings, in which infrastructure resources (e.g., compute, networking and storage) are complemented by integrated platform services.

The scope of the Magic Quadrant for CIPS includes IaaS and integrated platform as a service (PaaS) platforms. These include (* are additions of editor *)

  • application PaaS (aPaaS),

  • functions as a service (FaaS),

  • database PaaS (dbPaaS),

  • Datawarehouse as a Service*

  • application developer PaaS (adPaaS) and industrialized private cloud offerings that are often deployed in enterprise data centers.

  • Cloud Integration / Cloud Deployment IaC as a Service*

  • Multi cloud management as a Service*

  • Security as a Service*

Read More

(LSJ) What robot can do in your business?

Spot-on on the days of new normal

Robots helping with strawberry picking, seasonal workers scenarios

Robots do not get Covid-19. They add social distancing to seasonal work.

In Europe, by yearly basis there is need of 1.000,000 up to 1.200,000 seasonal workers to work associated with the farm, the crop, vegetables, horticulture, fruit and potatoes, berry picking. In the new normal the problems caused by Covid-19 can be greatly helped if not fully solved with the assistance of harvesting robots.

France is short of about 200,000 workers until the end of May, while Spain has a shortage of 100,000. Italy needs about 250,000 seasonal workers in the next two months, while the UK normally receives 80,000 over the season and Germany 400,000, Finland 16,000.
— ft.com

Cloudsourcing resources from Lifetime Group to build and continuously deploy the solutions include Consultants, Cloud engineers, DevOps engineers, Solutions Architects, Developers, Integration Specialists, AI engineers.. ..

The competitive edge for corporate level is tied ensuring the availability of the efficient core teams from Lifetime Group. Build skills solutions with Cloud Ready Teams from the Consortium.

Network and Computing Quality is key for any of these services. In the New Normal, increased company revenue is tied into network quality ie. 5G built-in, edge computing availability, robots and its tooling availability, Cloudsourcing resources from Lifetime Group to build and continuously deploy the solutions in the near-future.

Consumers get very personal assistants

The new normal opportunity give corporations roadmap how to monetize this early opportunity of personal assistant robots.

Securing the premises

Download the task for your personal assistant

Let’s drive to farm and do Strawberry picking - Scenario

In this new normal scenario personal robot is integrated into new electric car from Volkswagen Group. The Assistant offer driverless experience and help maintenance of the electric car by taking care of the charging station operations like connecting the cord, guarding the load process, unconnecting the cord, taking care of tires, fills in the wiper washer tank, and so on. The design of the car needs to be adjust for the capability of the robot.

The driverless car mode is adjusted for the driver personality so careful driver has more careful driverless mode driving where sporty personality is served differently.

The family goes for a ride in the countryside. Next to a farm, next to the strawberry field they see hand picking sign for 1 hour for 10 €.

Consumers want to subscribe to their own personal assistants today. The want to own new skills for their personal assistant. The edge computing connected to cloud computing is another technology we need to mention here.

Let your Spot drive the car to strawberry field. Add and activate the crop picking software to your personal assistance robot through 5G. Add Basket and hand picker tools from your VW. Push button on your car and let your assistant go pick basket full of fresh Strawberries. Choose from the data pipeline exacly how sweet strawberries you want to be hand-picked or spot-picked in this case.

What strawberries are ready to pick and which should be left alone for tomorrow?

How much strawberries are needed dictate the chosen container for strawberries

The conditions on the field and the demand for network quality, the robot load station can reside in the car.

Secure social distancing and improving the picking process quality.

Spot 2.0 robot from Boston Dynamics connected with 5G delivers product capable support for diaconia work for elderly, driver associated personal assistant for car life cycle/ driveless. The business opportunities in the consumer related are many.

Spot 2.0 robot from Boston Dynamics connected with 5G delivers product capable support for diaconia work for elderly, driver associated personal assistant for car life cycle/ driveless. The business opportunities in the consumer related are many.

IoT categories

Edge Computing

5G connectivity

(LJS) What is Quantum Consciousness Responsibility Model?

When I said to Woz that it would be nice have some royalties for the work I did to invent IPod 1 2005 and the work we did with Steve to innovate iPhone, or when I worked with Jack to create Alibaba store core team 2009, Woz said the World does not work that way.

The ipod version with screen and wheel was just before steve called he said is going to make a phone.

The ipod version with screen and wheel was just before steve called he said is going to make a phone.

Well, but it should.

If we think Apache Kafka for example, their innovation is huge. If I can take Quantum Supremacy to my control I can produce any idea further and take control of the next generation of the product journey.

alibaba core team was like 9 guys

alibaba core team was like 9 guys

I call this stealing.

Quantum Consciousness Responsibility model means that the original innovator(s) will have access to royalties that the new level created with Quantum Computing and AI produces.

All innovations that has input from human created innovations should acknowledge the origin of the innovations, ideas and products and PAY dividend to those from the profits created from Quantum supremacy product innovation.

With this responsibility chaining we would not loose humanity genius, origin rights and our thinking order as well. And we human can learn and maybe compete with quantum supremacy and prevent wars.



(LSJ) Begin a New Career with us

Begin a New Career and do your best work with us.

Lifetime Group offers advisors and consultancy you can trust. We can offer 16 Cloud Ready Teams from 50 Skills from Cloud Computing including AI App Specialists.

Corporate customers can help with Digital Strategy including Cloud, Data-Driven Strategy including Streaming, Analytics and SEO.

AI with Management Accounting, AI based HR Machine.

Lifetime Group's Partnership AWS is offering possibility to begin career as AWS Developer or AWS Architect. Contact us if you want to begin training and become our AWS Technical Expert.

We are also looking Sales Assistant that can deliver to our Sales pipeline and advance our Cloud Outsourcing Sales.

We are using Open Leadership Model.

All our Business Processes are built and managed on Atlassian JIRA.

Courses are held around the Europe. Finnish in-class training begin in February 2020.

Thank you of being a lifetime friend !



(LSJ) industry 4.0 explained

Ofcourse white house understands the ongoing climate change. Trade war with China is act what is next after areas of this planet become unhabitable. China is planning a trade war of 30 years. HK is just a act where Chinese lead can show their non-dictators style look we are great partners to democratic EU.

We here at Europe can hold both hands. But this depends on how our lifetime friends behave on each side. Maybe you need a friend too, or just enemies?

but make no mistake; we have to do our very best to fight climate change together. Open and free innovations when they can benefit this planet 🌍 ; give them to the poor nations too.

Stop ✋ burning rain forests

Stop over eating earth 🌏 

Stop polluting 

Build Next Level industry 6.0 and make our on-demand production  sustainable.

example: new steel bar is needed (On-demand Personalised Industry 5.0) request is sent to global cloud database, carbon footprint is calculated AND sustainable operations are offered AND when they have carried out the new Steel Bar can be produced. We can add all mankind production into cloud and use Industry 4.0 tooling to measure any production footprint 

Captain’s log star-date ..

Thank you of being a lifetime friend

Risto Anton

Risto Anton is the Founder of

Lifetime Group, Business Owner

Lifetime Studios

Lifetime Consulting

Lifetime HR Solutions

Lifetime Publishing

Lifetime Logistics

+358 400 319 010

(LSJ) Atlassian ecosystem at Lifetime Group

We use Atlassian ecosystem tooling in managing our processes here at Lifetime Group.

Atlassian ecosystem. Tempo products are

Tempo Budgets - Control project costs, revenues, and resources- Budget, track, and forecast finances and capacity.

Complete, real-time visualization of project and portfolio health with project cost and revenue overviews

Earned Value Management (EVM) or traditional reporting

Budget baseline labelling and versioning

Planned versus actual financials and forecasts

Manage staff allocation, capacity and workload

Manage wages, cost rates and overtime pay

Enterprise features (data visibility control, Jira Data Center compatible, API)

Integrate with Tempo Timesheets and Tempo Planner

Tempo Planner - Resource Planning

Tempo Timesheets - Time Tracking made easy.

Get free 2 h consultancy for building digital strategy of budgeting, planning, timetracking, billing, agile development, CI/CD from Lifetime Group. Contact @Risto Anton

*Customer Success Stories*


How to log your time?

How to work faster?

Integration with G Suite

Integration with Teams

Managing your team

Managing Shared Resources


#digitalfuture #digitalsolution #automation

#tempo #atlassian

#cloudready #cloudreadydata #jira #scaledagileframework #confluence #resourcemanagement #jira #timetracking

#financialprojectmanagement #costcontrol #

White Paper: Sales Process Dashboard

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