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Now it is time to open Career with us.

join the story of Lifetime Happiness

Company Description

Lifetime Group is a digital business advisory and consultancy firm located in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. We offer innovative solutions for intelligent industries, including AI, ESG consulting, and enterprise innovation co-piloting for various industries. With partnerships with industry leaders such as IBM, AWS, and Microsoft, along with many industrial partners Lifetime Group offers services to over 50,000 customers worldwide. Our flexible virtual sourcing and delivery model coupled with our team of over 1500+ consultants seek to digitally transform and move businesses forward.

Business Mentor

Role Description

This is a full-time hybrid role for a Business Mentor, located in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area with the option of some remote work. The Business Mentor will be responsible for day-to-day activities such as business planning, providing mentorship to small businesses, conducting training programs, and advising on finance-related matters. The Business Mentor will also work on building a sustainable business model for clients while facilitating business growth.


  • Excellent experience in business planning, training, and mentoring for enterprises with sales capabilities.

  • Good experience in leading project work including financials, reporting, delivering above expectations.

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with fluent Finnish, English. Plus other European languages.

  • Ability to work with customer assignment independently, as part of a business consultancy team

  • Bachelor's or Master's degree in Business or engineering.

  • Experience with digital business practices like AI productivity tools and digital eCommerce related consulting

  • Understanding of ESG principles. Plus Sustainability reporting experience.

  • understanding Our copiloting product line and what our clients expect us to excel.

Technology Stack (plus for business mentor)

Development Skills (plus for business mentor)

  • Agile Microsoft DevOps, GitHub Copilot
  • SageMaker, Hugginface (Amazon Web Services)
  • Clean Code
  • CQRS
  • QA 
  • Event Sourcing
  • Messaging
  • Publish/Subscribe
  • best practices  (KISS, SOLID, YAGNI)
  • Large Language Models, World Language Models, Python, Open AI.

Lifetime Studios core team is located in Espoo, Finland contributing on GitHub.
Project managers are needed to deliver project work to the customers.

Reach Multiple platforMs with a one solution. Omnichannel solUtions built with MAUI.

keep up the good work!

If you are interested working with us in the International client projects related to our mission H2AI and have deep interest and passion with the skills mentioned send me your 5 slides deck where you tell about your, your desired payment details (contractor/employee) and availability with allocation.

Risto Anton, Founder, CEO
Lifetime World

Read about Diversity at Lifetime Group.


  • Microsoft 365, Microsoft Dynamics
  • Microsoft .NET. MAUI Xamarin.
  • Microsoft Azure AI Studio
  • Google Cloud AI Prediction Service. AI Chatbots. Google Vertex AI Studio.
  • Amazon Web Services, Amazon SageMaker, Big Data, Streaming Data, Data-driven solutions, 
  • OSS Large Language Models, RAG. 
  • Distributed SQL database

Open Positions

  1. Lifetime World Lead

  2. Product Manager DWS 5

  3. RAG engineer

  4. Microsoft 365 Specialist

  5. Microsoft Azure / Google Cloud / AWS Architect

  6. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Specialist

  7. Sales Manager

  8. Mentor / Business Intelligence

  9. AI Developer  (Finnish), fe. C#, React, JavaScript, React Native, Maven, GIT, Rest, NoSQL, PostgreSQL, Python, Flutter, Replit.AI.

What is Your Personal Development Journey?

Lifetime HR has in-House a five-stage personnel development Journey(PDJ). PDJ is a model that is aligned with European laws and standards. The Supervisor of Your Personal Development Journey is In-House Coach signed for you. The five stages are:

  1. Onboarding. This stage is about welcoming new employees to the company and helping them get up to speed on their roles and responsibilities. You will receive the resources you need to succeed, such as training, mentorship, and development opportunities.

  2. Embedding. This stage is about helping new employees integrate into the company culture and team. It is important to provide you with opportunities to network with your colleagues and learn more about the company's values and goals.

  3. Development. This stage is about helping employees grow and develop their skills and knowledge. It is important to provide you with necessary training, certs, coaching, and other development opportunities that are relevant to your role and career goals.

  4. Performance management. This stage is about setting goals and expectations for you as employee, and providing regular feedback on your performance. It is important that teams create a culture of continuous learning and improvement, and to help employees reach their full potential.

  5. Next Steps & Exit. We care and do support employees who are leaving the company, whether by retirement, resignation, or termination. It is important to provide you with a positive uplifting exit experience, and to help you transition to their next roles.

This five-stage model is designed to ensure that all employees have the opportunity to develop and grow their skills, knowledge, and career potential. It is also designed to be aligned with European laws and standards, which emphasize the importance of equal opportunity, fair treatment, and lifelong learning.

  • Onboarding: The company provide new employees with a comprehensive onboarding program that includes training on the company's products and services, its culture and values, and its expectations for employee performance.

  • Embedding: The company encourage new employees to network with their colleagues and participate in social events. It could provide them with mentors who can help you to learn the ropes and navigate the company culture.

  • Career Development: The company will offer a variety of training and development opportunities for its employees, such as formal courses, on-the-job training, and coaching. It encourages employees to take advantage of professional development opportunities outside of the company.

  • Performance Management: The company sets clear goals and expectations for its employees, and provide regular feedback on their performance. It also use a variety of performance management tools, such as 360-degree feedback, to get a comprehensive view of each employee's performance.

  • Next Steps & Exit: The company could provide outplacement services to employees who are leaving the company, such as resume writing assistance and interview coaching. It could also hold exit interviews to gather feedback on the company's performance management process and other aspects of the employee experience.

The Lifetime five-stage personnel development journey tells you how we have created a culture of continuous learning and development of skills. By us following this model, Lifetime Group can ensure that our employees have the skills and knowledge we need to succeed following our mission and in the transition into electrification age.

Henkilövuokrauksen ammattilaisina sekä työnantajanasi haluamme tarjota

1. Kohtuullista palkkaa ja järkevää palkitsemista.
2. Työllistymistä joustavasti elämän tilanteen mukaisesti.
3. Johdonmukaista johtamista joka tukee työn sisällön mielekkyyttä, antaen selkeitä ja haasteellisia työtehtäviä, työnjohdollista, sisältäen asiallista palautetta ja opastusta.
4. Mahdollisuuksia oppimiseen ja kehittymiseen omien uratoiveiden mukaisesti.
5. Mahdollisuutta saada aikaan tuloksia, jotka jäsentyvät kokonaisuuksiin.
6. Reiluutta ja arvostamista työkulun aikana.
7. Työjärjestelyihin voi vaikuttaa joustavasti.
8. Omaa tiimiä.
9. Laadukkaita yrityksen arvoja kestävä kehitys huomioiden. Laadukasta tietojohdettua viestintää, järkeviä asiakastarpeista asetettuja tavoitteita, hyvyyttä myös eettisesti, iloisen ja välittömän, laillisen toimintakulttuurin.
10. Olla mukana luomassa merkityksellistä tarinaa antamalla panoksesi elämänkaartasi vahvistavana ja kehittävänä urana.


Työntekijältä odotetaan nyt ja ehkä vielä enemmän tulevaisuudessa

  1. Halua tulla palkituksi hyvän tuloksen perusteella,

  2. Osaamista ja vahvaa halua kehittyä jatkuvasti oppien,

  3. Kykyä ylläpitää omaa ja työyhteisön hyvinvointia,

  4. Can-Do,

  5. Luovaa ongelmanratkaisua osana tiimiä,

  6. Laadukkaita tiimityötaitoja,

  7. Sitoutumista kestävän kehityksen tavoitteisiin (UN).