(LSJ) Miksi asiakkaat valitsevat meidät?

Asiantuntijan muuntaminen asiakkuuksiksi (konversio) tarkoittaa prosessia, jossa potentiaaliset asiakkaat tai liidit ”muunnetaan” maksaviksi asiakkaiksi palveluista, kuten konsultoinnista, digitaalisesta sisällöstä kuten Lifetime World, sähköisistä tuotteista kuten eBookeista, tai konsultoinnista kuten markkinoinnin automaation rakentamisesta.

Apuna tässä käytetään digitaalisen markkinoinnin ja myynnin automaation keinoja.

Seuraavassa on esitetty tärkeimmät asiakasta puhuttelevat asiat

1. Luottamus ja uskottavuus

Luottamus on ammattipalveluiden perusta. Asiakkaat arvioivat usein luotettavuutta suositusten, sertifikaattien, palkintojen ja käytännössä osoitetun asiantuntemuksen avulla.

Lifetime - Advisors You Trust.

2. Suhteen rakentaminen

Henkilökohtainen vuorovaikutus, asiakkaan tarpeiden ymmärtäminen ja johdonmukainen viestintä voivat edistää vahvempia suhteita, jotka voivat vaikuttaa ostopäätöksiin.

Lifetime World - join our Mission to fight climate change, erosion, and droughts.

3. Arvoehdotus (value proposition)

Kerro selkeästi palvelusi edut ja ainutlaatuiset edut.

Miten ratkaiset asiakkaan ongelman?

Miksi heidän pitäisi valita sinut kilpailijoiden sijaan?

Lifetime Store tarjoaa joukon asiantuntijatuotteita. Esim. valmentava johtajuus - tieto-ohjatun organisaatiossa.

4. Selkeys ja läpinäkyvyys

Asiakkaat arvostavat selkeää ymmärrystä palveluprosessista, toteutusaikataulusta, suorituksista ja hinnoittelusta. Lisäksi asiakkaat arvostavat nopeaa ja vaivatonta ostamistapahtumaa verkkokaupasta.

25 tunnin hinnoittelumalli jossa asiakas ostaa palvelua kiinteän määrän seuraaviksi 12 kuukaudeksi.

5. Maine ja menneisyys

Tapaustutkimusten, lausuntojen ja arvostelujen esittely voi vaikuttaa suuresti päätöksiin.

Hyvä maine markkinoilla usein edeltää konversiota.

Lifetime palveluliiketoiminta on hyvämaineista.

6. Viittaukset sekä referenssit

Suusta suuhun ja tyytyväisiltä asiakkailta saadut viittaukset voivat olla tehokkaita tekijöitä, koska niihin sisältyy tietty sisäinen luottamus.

7. Reagointikyky

Oikea-aikainen ja tehokas viestintä on ratkaisevan tärkeää. Saavutettavuus ja kyselyiden nopea vastaaminen voivat vaikuttaa valtavasti. Markkinoiden muutosten ymmärtäminen palveluissa.

8. Asiakkaiden tarpeiden ymmärtäminen

Asiakkaan haasteiden syvällisen ymmärryksen osoittaminen ja ratkaisujen räätälöinti vastaamaan asiakkaan erityistarpeita voi olla ratkaiseva tekijä.

9. Joustavuus

Palvelutarjonnan, hinnoittelun tai toimituksen mukautumiskyky voi tehdä palveluistasi houkuttelevampia eri asiakkaille.

10. Ajatusjohtajuus

Kun sinut nähdään alan johtajana tai asiantuntijana blogeissa, seminaareissa, webinaareissa tai julkaisuissa, asiakkaat pitävät sinua parhaana valintana.

11. Selkeä hinnoittelu

Vaikka palvelusi olisivat korkeahintaisia, kustannusten selkeä ja ennakkoluuloton kertominen voi estää mahdolliset väärinkäsitykset tai epäröinnit.

12. Teknologiset edistysaskeleet

Uusimpien työkalujen ja teknologioiden käyttäminen ei ainoastaan ​​optimoi palvelujasi, vaan myös juurruttaa potentiaalisissa asiakkaissa luottamusta nykyaikaiseen lähestymistapaasi.

13. Takuut

Soveltuvissa tapauksissa jonkinlaisen tyytyväisyystakuun tarjoaminen voi vähentää palveluiden vuokraamiseen liittyviä havaittuja riskejä.


Pohjimmiltaan päätös asiantuntijapalvelujen ostamisesta riippuu pitkälti luottamuksesta, koetusta arvosta ja varmuudesta, että valittu palveluntarjoaja pystyy ratkaisemaan asiakkaan ongelman tai vastaamaan hänen tarpeisiinsa, niin nyt kuin tulevaisuudessa (lifetime value).

(LSJ) Lifetime Classification of Consultants

IDC asked me for salary study our classification of Consultants and their payment expectations for 2019. Here is our Classification of Consultants for Secure Managed Sourcing.

1. Consultants (skills level 2,3,4)

Installation & administration of hardware, operating systems, Microsoft office 365 / G Suite software Administration, implementing security solutions on desktop, servers and LAN. Support of hardware, operating systems and office-software, troubleshooting and repair. Any new consultant is in this category before clearing Cloud Ready Teams Certification Program. Quality Assurance.

2. Developers (skills level 2,3,4)

1-3 years of experience

3-5 years of experience

5+ years of experience

of Coding,  test automation,  Applications Production, DevOps. 10 Programming languages.

3. Technical Project Managers

Thorough competence within a specific area. For instance JIRA, SAFe, cloud computing, networking, security, Linux. The specified person has a long experience and thorough technical understanding – but not a broader approach toward the solutions. System integrator specialists (Mulesoft, Openshift), system designers within a specific solution. Technical Project managers.

4. Cloud solutions architects

Cloud Solutions Architects cover a broader area, for instance combining server, network and application knowledge to design the overall infrastructure. Capable of creating requirement specifications based on for instance workflow descriptions etc. Senior project managers, large projects.

5. Senior consultants

Combining technical and smart business comprehension (not management consultants). Competence in organizational analysis combined with a technical understanding – the business part of cloud solutions architects. IT estimation, risk estimation, business continuity analysis – from a business and an IT perspectives.

6. Strategic Advisors

Management consulting. Advisor level. Strategy formation. Cloud Strategies. Please contact us.

(LSJ) We are Lifetime Consulting

Introducing Lifetime Studios Continuous Delivery DevOps Ready Teams

Dear Lifetime friends,

I would like to take this opportunity to explain how we work here at Lifetime Oy (Ltd). As you already know Lifetime Oy has to brands: 

Lifetime Studios 

Lifetime Studios delivers top-notch applications for customers who need mobile apps combined to best cloud back-end in the market. Android, iOS, Universal Windows Platform combined with Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, AWS, Telia Cloud, Tieto Cloud, among other. Not to mention our Customer own private clouds and databases.

Our flagship build at the moment is Crowd Investment Management Studio CIMS. CIMS is built using with our partner Microsoft tools and methods. Lifetime Studios is Microsoft BizSpark member. We use Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise and Professional versions (available for Windows 10 S and Mac), Microsoft Team Services to manage Agile Sprints, Delivery Plans, Documentation, Code and Builds and more.

right now, CIMS is ongoing a upgrade to its Deck. The key technical question is using HyperLedger Project and blockchain as information certificates and signing but possible also to money transactions. 

CIMS Advisory Board will also be updated with new people who come from our partner organisations.

I am actively seeking funding round for CIMS. CIMS is Crowd Unicorn and it aims to EU's Single Digital Market launched later this year. In the coming versions CIMS scales to be the Global Crowd Platform.

Lifetime Consulting

Lifetime Consulting deliver Full-Stack capable professional development Teams and Full-Stack capable consultants to customer projects. We use continuous development methodology, DevOps for those organisations who have adopted it. In our core toolset is Microsoft Team Services, in which it possible to create precise Delivery plans including workload management so that each our 3 to 4 person Teams delivers the best possible value to our Customers. Just in Time and in Budget.

Our Management Consulting Advisors deliver Executive Services to customers whose intention is to clarify and step-up to delivering their Digital Strategies, Processes, Apps. We love to show our clients our ideas as Demo Apps rather than PowerPoint slides. Certainly we write white papers if that what you as a valued customer want us first to do.

Our Consultants

Lifetime Consultants are Software Professionals that usually have long history in working in Large Organisations. We accept spring chickens to our teams, but I strongly believe that long history in Software Engineering is an Advantage. That said, old databases and old data is sometimes burden and waste. So all our hired consultants go through life cycle management period where using clean room technologies and cleansing we get rid of old database, find inner peace and tabula rasa. When the mind is clear newly hired consultants will go through detailed hands-on training on Topics such as Software Engineering, Business Modelling, Full-Stack Delivery and so on. Fresh minded, smiling Consultant is our flagship product.

Again, our partner Microsoft's Virtual Academy and our Training Partners seminars and certificates ensure that every our consultant are capable to deliver continuous apps whose life cycle is long and ROI are at the best possible level.

Every our consultant participate actively in Meetups and Hackatlons. We want to be there with the community and our dear colleagues. Friendly faces and small talk is an asset to us. We are here for you.

Physical exercises, I personally favor running and gym, are necessity to stay in form in this bubble business. Good Health and can do attitude, friendly personality can be worked out and learned. Our Consultants do their best to learn every Day. 

Dear Customer Call us for an Offer

Give us a go. Contact our Sales. We build Finnish Software. We also would like to hear about you as a employee. Lifetime Studios and Lifetime Consulting are building New Teams constantly.

Requirements to become Sub-Contractor; The Lifetime Sub-Contractor Policy

Becoming a Lifetime Oy's Sub-Contractor we need the following:

  • All Consultants should possess education level: B.Sc or M.Sc. in Computer Science
  • If Consultant is hired for a customer she or he needs to deliver CV in Eures Format.

Contract Terms

See links below


  1. Delivery agreement for software using agile methods IT2015.
  2. Consulting and other professional services agreement IT2015
  3. Software maintenance agreement IT2015
  4. Non-disclosure agreement IT2015
  5. Agreement on services delivered via data network IT2015
  6. Delivery agreement IT2015

Please download and send us Agreement you see appropriate to your offer and portfolio.

  • LinkedIn Profile, Twitter, Facebook Handles.
  • Course Certificates of consultant offered from AWS, Microsoft Virtual Academy, Google Certified Engineer or any of technology related role offered.
  • A list Activity of the Consultant in his/her Career Meetup Memberships and other activities in the Software Engineering field.
  • For Governmental projects and working in customer premises there may be drug testing and background check done by local authorities.


Technologies we use are shown here.(link) 

I hope this guideline helps us to reach a mutually benefial Sub-Contractor Deal of a Lifetime.


Risto Anton Päärni

Consultant / CEO

Lifetime Oy

Lifetime Studios

Lifetime Consulting


Lifetime Oy is member of Finnish Software Industry Association Ohjelmistoyrittäjät Ry

Lifetime Studios is Start-Up. Our Flagship Product is Crowd Investment Management Studio CIMS.

Lifetime Consulting offers Management Consulting and ICT Consultancy.




(LSJ) Good Sales Practices * näin parannat myyntiä

Good Sales Practices

Gather Information

  • Browse and analyze potential client's company website. How the site has been built, how company tells about their story, offerings, productization and content. Brief analysis of a company website takes only 30 minutes.
  • Investigate how company is using interactive dialog with the Sales vs. Customer. Is there Online Presence?
  • Find and analyze company pages, eCommerce pages and company presentations in LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Slidehare, YouTube and Twitter. Get a good understanding what the company is proud of. Use LinkedIn profiles to learn backgrounds of people you are about to prospect, lead, contact and meet f2f, negotiate with and finally close sales.

  • Create Master Data for the Lead. Use SWOT Analysis to identify Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threads from the competitor.

  • Learn prospect company's general business mission and vision and analyze those against Your Positioning.
  • Investigate their business setup, like people, partners, owners, Marketing-Mix 7P, etc.
  • Connect to top people to learn more.

Create Sales Pitch

  • Find story from the Customer's World - Why this is important to me? (customer view).
  • Identify opportunities how you could help the client.
  • Write these ideas to your sales presentation.
  • Make Customer Storyboard and Storytelling as the Basis to your product sales.
  • Even if the ideas do not immediately resonate with the people you meet, they will get an impression that you have invested time to think their business.
  • Bigger the client opportunity, more you need to invest time to presales investigation. Listen, Read, do Market Research, use Business Intelligence, setup a Big Data & Streaming Analytics pipeline.
  • Personalize sales pitch so that is differs to various contact groups. Develop variations of Your sales pitch to several contact groups differentiated by fe.
  • his/her whole career vs. versatile industry experience,tech. savvy vs. commercial savvy (or having both),
  • international vs. domestic career,
  • one function vs. multiple functional competences,
  • Personal Character Features

Meeting the client

  • Ask the client if they want to give their presentation first that will tell about their business and potentially achievements and pain points they are facing around the topic area you are selling. Once you have heard how client tells about their business it is easier to adjust your own presentation to make it resonate with the client. Listen and learn. Do not push your own message.

Develop Your Products All-Time - Digital Design 24/7

  • Keep Your products simple, so you can quickly pivot those products that do not sell in 3 months.
  • Keep Your product catalog such that you can manage it with ease. Keep Your products available in eCommerce Store.
  • Keep Your Marketing-Mix 7P alive and updated.
  • Do not sell 'tailored' or 'projects'. Customers love well defined products.
  • (Origins of this English Entry was in LinkedIn Sales Group, updated and all-round rewritten).

Näin Parannat Myyntiä

  1. Kehitä valikoimaa koko ajan.
  2. Selvitä, mitä asiakas haluaa.
  3. Hio tuotteita loppuun asti.
  4. Vie tuote kaikkialle, missä asiakas käy.
  5. Kansainvälisty, vaikka jäisit Suomeen. Maailmalta tulee kilpailijoita tänne.
  6. Ole ahkera. Ei riitä, että tekee paljon töitä. Pitää tehdä älyttömän paljon töitä.
  7. Oivalla jotakin ostajan elämästä. Tee oivalluksesta tarinasi. Esimerkkinä Happy Socks. Miksi miehille ei ole värikkäitä sukkia?
  8. Kehitä tuotettasi tarinan pohjalta.
  9. Kun kerrot tarinan, kerrot ostajasta. "Why". Älä kehu tuotetta.
  10. Kuuntele laajaa joukkoa kun testaat ja kehität tuotetta.
  11. Älä liitä liian monta ominaisuutta "Pivot"
  12. Kaikkia asiakkaita ei voi miellyttää
  13. Levitä hyvää fiilistä! Jos olet innostunut tuotteestasi, tartuta tunne työkavereihisi, pomoosi ja asiakkaisiisi.
  14. Valitse työkavereiksi tyyppejä, joilla on erilaiset tausta ja joiden kanssa viihdyt,
  15. Muista bisnestutuista yksityiskohtia, kuten lemmikin nimi. Kun tapaatte, kysy miten koira voi?
  16. Nouse nopeasti ylös jos epäonnistut. Älä jää vellomaan asiaa.

Näin Parannat myyntiä pointsit Marina Vahtola, Erkki Izarra, Jaakko Aspara, Juhani Siren (HS 4.7.2015).

Compilation by Risto Päärni

How to Present: Share Ideas That Inspire Action

Simon Sinek, Optimist and Author


(LSJ) Lifetime Studios joins Microsoft BizSpark educates young developers

"BizSpark gives us the licenses for Microsoft Azure, multiple VMs, Visual Studio 2015, MS SQL Server  and Oracle that we couldn’t have afford on our own. Program gives us possibility to get venture capital from Microsoft Ventures and its Partners. Newly build Apps has shorter time-to-market with marketing campaign support from the BizSpark Program.

Together with EUs De Minimis support we are able to hire 2-3 new software developers to create our product offering. With a help of Microsoft IT Academy we can educate new software developers to become  Microsoft Certified Software Engineers and IT Architects."

Risto Päärni

Founder, Lifetime Studios

Lifetime Studios is Member of EUs Youth Program Drop'Pin.

Read Press Release of Microsoft BizSpark Program