(LSJ) Green H2 Garden multimodal agent core

(LSJ) Green H2 Garden multimodal agent core

Stop 🛑 Burning. Start Watering 💦🍓🍓🍓✨✨✨

The multimodal agent core for a Green H2 Garden project is important as the solution is autonomous and can operate itself with the given geolocation, available hydrogen H2, the size and purpose of the Garden. The sensors gather data from the ground, plants, air, humidity, temperature etc. all relevant metrics to keep Green H2 Garden operational with as little work in place as is wanted by the Gardener.

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(LSJ) Ihmisten tuottavuuden ja työhyvinvoinnin kehittäminen

Case Study: Ihmisten tuottavuuden ja työhyvinvoinnin kehittäminen

Lifetime Group on käynnistänyt 5. kehitysversion DWS hankkeesta jossa pyrimme vastaamaan mm. seuraaviin lähitulevaisuuden kysymyksiin.                               

Lifetime Oy:n tavoitteena on luoda virtuaalisia (AR/VR) todellisuuksia taistelussa ilmastonmuutosta vastaan ja uusien innovaatioiden kehittämiseen ja muutoksen tekemiseen.

Chapter 0 Net Zero tason aikaansaaminen

Tavoitteena on innostaa, luoda ja kehittää yhdessä työntekijöiden kanssa ratkaisuja ja hankkeita joissa voidaan saavuttaa Net Zero kyvykkyys yritykselle.

Haluamme kehittää logistiikkaa kohti uusiutuvien luonnovarojen hyödyntämistä. Digitaaliset kaksoset auttavat etätyössä olevia ja varmistavat tuottavuuden kehittämisen mm. luovan tekoälyn avulla.

Chapter 1, jossa kehitetään toipuvaa maapalloa

Tarvitaan jatkuvia parannuksia sekä muutoksia prosesseihin, työnkulkuihin, sekä muotoilla entistä parempia yrityksen palveluja ja tuotteita jotka innostavat asiakkaita.

Tehdyt parannukset ja muutokset vaikuttavat luotuun digikaksoseen sekä virtuaalimaailmoihin että yrityksen fyysiseen versioon. Muutoksen läpiviennissä tarvitaan strateginen muutos ja päivitettyjen kyvykkyyksien ja taitojen turvallista hallintaa. Henkilöstöä on koulutettava uuteen paremman tuottavuuden toimintatapaan. Tällöin on hyvä organisoida työn johtamiseen tuottavuusloikkia automaatiolla ja mahdollistaa entistä parempi tuki virtuaaliseen työskentelyyn esimerkiksi chatbot palvelulla joka tuntee yrityksen kaikki tiedot.

Tarvitaan kykeneviä etä-/lähitöitä tukevia esimiehiä sekä digitaalisia apulaisia - co piloteja.

Muutoksen skaalaamistarpeet otetaan arkityössä jatkuvasti huomioon. Ihmiselle tarvitaan in-house coachingia ja tukea.

Tarjotaan työelämäpalveluita ja henkilöstöetuja, vaikka työpisteet ovatkin eri puolilla maailmaa. Uusi toimintatapa vaikuttaa yrityksen tuotekehitykseen ja parantuvaan globaaliin myyntiin. Liiketoimintaa kehitetään globaalissa virtuaalisessa kilpailutilanteessa.


  • Develop virtual (AR/VR) realities for work purposes.

  • Aim to inspire, create, and develop together with employees.

  • Support remote workers and continuously improve productivity.

  • Improve processes, workflows, and company services and products.

  • Changes will impact the digital twin, virtual worlds, and the physical version of the company.

  • Require a strategic change and updated capabilities and skills.

  • Train the staff for better productivity practices.

  • Organize work management and support for virtual work.

  • Need supervisors who support hybrid/remote work and digital assistants - co-pilots.

  • Continuously consider scaling in everyday work.

  • Provide in-house coaching and support for individuals.

  • Offer workplace services and employee benefits even when workstations are located worldwide.

  • The new approach will impact product development and improve global sales.

  • Develop business in the global virtual competitive environment.

(LSJ) What robot can do in your business?

Spot-on on the days of new normal

Robots helping with strawberry picking, seasonal workers scenarios

Robots do not get Covid-19. They add social distancing to seasonal work.

In Europe, by yearly basis there is need of 1.000,000 up to 1.200,000 seasonal workers to work associated with the farm, the crop, vegetables, horticulture, fruit and potatoes, berry picking. In the new normal the problems caused by Covid-19 can be greatly helped if not fully solved with the assistance of harvesting robots.

France is short of about 200,000 workers until the end of May, while Spain has a shortage of 100,000. Italy needs about 250,000 seasonal workers in the next two months, while the UK normally receives 80,000 over the season and Germany 400,000, Finland 16,000.
— ft.com

Cloudsourcing resources from Lifetime Group to build and continuously deploy the solutions include Consultants, Cloud engineers, DevOps engineers, Solutions Architects, Developers, Integration Specialists, AI engineers.. ..

The competitive edge for corporate level is tied ensuring the availability of the efficient core teams from Lifetime Group. Build skills solutions with Cloud Ready Teams from the Consortium.

Network and Computing Quality is key for any of these services. In the New Normal, increased company revenue is tied into network quality ie. 5G built-in, edge computing availability, robots and its tooling availability, Cloudsourcing resources from Lifetime Group to build and continuously deploy the solutions in the near-future.

Consumers get very personal assistants

The new normal opportunity give corporations roadmap how to monetize this early opportunity of personal assistant robots.

Securing the premises

Download the task for your personal assistant

Let’s drive to farm and do Strawberry picking - Scenario

In this new normal scenario personal robot is integrated into new electric car from Volkswagen Group. The Assistant offer driverless experience and help maintenance of the electric car by taking care of the charging station operations like connecting the cord, guarding the load process, unconnecting the cord, taking care of tires, fills in the wiper washer tank, and so on. The design of the car needs to be adjust for the capability of the robot.

The driverless car mode is adjusted for the driver personality so careful driver has more careful driverless mode driving where sporty personality is served differently.

The family goes for a ride in the countryside. Next to a farm, next to the strawberry field they see hand picking sign for 1 hour for 10 €.

Consumers want to subscribe to their own personal assistants today. The want to own new skills for their personal assistant. The edge computing connected to cloud computing is another technology we need to mention here.

Let your Spot drive the car to strawberry field. Add and activate the crop picking software to your personal assistance robot through 5G. Add Basket and hand picker tools from your VW. Push button on your car and let your assistant go pick basket full of fresh Strawberries. Choose from the data pipeline exacly how sweet strawberries you want to be hand-picked or spot-picked in this case.

What strawberries are ready to pick and which should be left alone for tomorrow?

How much strawberries are needed dictate the chosen container for strawberries

The conditions on the field and the demand for network quality, the robot load station can reside in the car.

Secure social distancing and improving the picking process quality.

Spot 2.0 robot from Boston Dynamics connected with 5G delivers product capable support for diaconia work for elderly, driver associated personal assistant for car life cycle/ driveless. The business opportunities in the consumer related are many.

Spot 2.0 robot from Boston Dynamics connected with 5G delivers product capable support for diaconia work for elderly, driver associated personal assistant for car life cycle/ driveless. The business opportunities in the consumer related are many.

IoT categories

Edge Computing

5G connectivity