(LSJ) Family offices can now Invest directly to Green H2 Garden and DWS to fight climate change
/Foreign Family Direct investments (FDI) from the leading family offices to technology sector companies are on the raise. Not only the NASDAQ top platform companies (fe. Amazon, Microsoft Facebook, Google, Apple) are benefiting from this trend. While some family offices may focus strictly on producing the best returns, others are more focused on impact driven investments that not only provide a strong return, but also help improve sustainability.
Today, we want to open channel for you dear investor to invest to Lifetime Group’s project portfolio’s star projects.
Our Investment Portfolio
tech driven family office should look into this opportunity
invest today into Lifetime Digital Workspace 3 Platform project. Approved as official EU EIPP Project we can offer investor insurance for French investor, EIB guarantees, and much more. Second investor opportunity is our forthcoming
CIMSCoin stable Coin fund based on Ethereum. Payment channel for dws3 payments.
family offices can now also apply for Lifetime Certified Partner Consortium Financial Partner Membership.
With this investment portfolio we offer great exit and lucrative market in the crypto growth.
“We are here to help you for evaluating any blockchain and AI related projects as well” says CEO of Lifetime Group, Risto Anton. “Our Advisory service makes it easier for family offices and investors form understanding and for example participate co-investment clubs to bag into a new technology niche platforms” he concludes.
“We are here to support MFOs and SFOs building co innovation, co-creation, co-investment deals”.
“The trend today is that family offices are investing directly in private companies through single-family and multi-family offices in rising numbers as these offices become more sophisticated” according to a study released by Fintrx, a Boston-based Data and Research firm.
Family offices are doing FDIs (family direct investment)
More than half of the approximate 12,000-15,000 family offices around the world invest directly today. The present is the Best time to find good deals and investment opportunities.
Over the past 20 years, growth in global wealth has resulted in the creation of an estimated 12,000 – 15,000 family offices around the world. No longer simply the province of the world’s 1,500 billionaires, the family office concept now scales to those families with US$200 million or more in investable wealth.
Time to bag some great deals
The direct-investment trend is “consistent with broader trends we’re seeing in the ultra-high-net-worth market toward greater transparency, greater control of investments, and lower fees,” says Paul Ferguson, managing director at Schwab Advisor Family Office. Source: Barrons.
“With the family direct investing, these families have the ability to invest in the specific businesses they want to invest in,” Ferguson says. “They have a lot more control and can have [more of] a positive impact on the business through direct investing than through fund investing.”
Family offices explained
“Family offices are known for their discrete investment behaviour and for cutting large investment checks. Successful family offices are run like a successful business. ”
A family office is any collection of staff, whether separate from a family business or not, which provides dedicated personal and/or professional services to a family. This often includes one or more individuals managing the operational aspects of family life – such as residences, travel, and asset collections – as well as professional staff managing accounting, tax, estate planning, legal, philanthropic, investment, and administrative matters. A family office can consist of as few as two people or as many as 350. (Source: A Guide to establishing a family office, Citi Private Bank).
According Fintrx report (Source: Analyzing family office direct investment activity sponsored by Schwab) Family Offices are entities, established to manage and invest the wealth of individuals and families of substantial net worth. Family offices are known for their discrete investment behaviour and for cutting large investment checks.
As their names suggest, Single Family Offices (SFOs) manage the wealth of a single family or individual. Multi Family Offices (MFOs) are designed to provide similar services to their Single Family Office counterparts but to a number of wealthy families.
Variants also include private family trust companies that are legally constituted in a form that maximizes tax and estate planning, along with long-term fiduciary oversight. The private trust company may work in concert with a family office, or operate as a standalone entity.
Another model is the family investment company. These entities often undertake investment activities on behalf
of the family, but do not offer support services (residence management, legal and accounting services, etc.) that are often provided by the traditional family offices. Regardless, the common denominator is that the office serves only one family, which may include multiple generations or even family branches.
By leveraging the services of an existing Multi Family Office, these wealthy families can limit the time needed to establish their own wealth advising entity.
Family offices are on the raise: Outsourcing
The FINTRX family office guide estimates that 39% are Single Family Offices and 61% are Multi Family Offices.
Employment at a family office should not be positioned as a road to riches. Outsourcing to lifetime group is alternative approach, especially technical evaluation.
Families should focus on incentives that promote desired results, healthy risk taking, and long-term relationships. While families may be tempted to offer a wide range of services as part of their family office, an inventory of the costs associated with each service element may result in foregoing or outsourcing certain services.
Investing into EU and to Finland made easier with Lifetime Group family services
“Our due diligence clean report and the investment process is done and your investment is safe with us”
Our new Lifetime Digital Workspace 3 platform project can be reach at EIPP (European Investment Project Portal) and from Business Finland Dealflow.fi platforms to see investor deck.
Our equity need is estimated in real case scenario as 6,59 million euros for 2021-2032.
The fund for CIMSCoin stable coin can be invested directly. Ticket sizes are 25.000.000 twenty five million euros, 10.000.000 ten million euros and 1.000.000 one million euros.
For family offices we offer investor pipeline for co-investments business model and to reach directly over 350 technology projects related to AI, Blockchain, 5G, etc.
Lifetime certified partners consortium is solid investment partner for co-investment, co-innovation, co creation.
Please contact us for investor deck, ticket information or/ and to join clean investor pipeline. For individual investors and Business Angels we have board advisory seats.
thank you of being a lifetime friends !