(LSJ) Miksi asiakkaat valitsevat meidät?

Asiantuntijan muuntaminen asiakkuuksiksi (konversio) tarkoittaa prosessia, jossa potentiaaliset asiakkaat tai liidit ”muunnetaan” maksaviksi asiakkaiksi palveluista, kuten konsultoinnista, digitaalisesta sisällöstä kuten Lifetime World, sähköisistä tuotteista kuten eBookeista, tai konsultoinnista kuten markkinoinnin automaation rakentamisesta.

Apuna tässä käytetään digitaalisen markkinoinnin ja myynnin automaation keinoja.

Seuraavassa on esitetty tärkeimmät asiakasta puhuttelevat asiat

1. Luottamus ja uskottavuus

Luottamus on ammattipalveluiden perusta. Asiakkaat arvioivat usein luotettavuutta suositusten, sertifikaattien, palkintojen ja käytännössä osoitetun asiantuntemuksen avulla.

Lifetime - Advisors You Trust.

2. Suhteen rakentaminen

Henkilökohtainen vuorovaikutus, asiakkaan tarpeiden ymmärtäminen ja johdonmukainen viestintä voivat edistää vahvempia suhteita, jotka voivat vaikuttaa ostopäätöksiin.

Lifetime World - join our Mission to fight climate change, erosion, and droughts.

3. Arvoehdotus (value proposition)

Kerro selkeästi palvelusi edut ja ainutlaatuiset edut.

Miten ratkaiset asiakkaan ongelman?

Miksi heidän pitäisi valita sinut kilpailijoiden sijaan?

Lifetime Store tarjoaa joukon asiantuntijatuotteita. Esim. valmentava johtajuus - tieto-ohjatun organisaatiossa.

4. Selkeys ja läpinäkyvyys

Asiakkaat arvostavat selkeää ymmärrystä palveluprosessista, toteutusaikataulusta, suorituksista ja hinnoittelusta. Lisäksi asiakkaat arvostavat nopeaa ja vaivatonta ostamistapahtumaa verkkokaupasta.

25 tunnin hinnoittelumalli jossa asiakas ostaa palvelua kiinteän määrän seuraaviksi 12 kuukaudeksi.

5. Maine ja menneisyys

Tapaustutkimusten, lausuntojen ja arvostelujen esittely voi vaikuttaa suuresti päätöksiin.

Hyvä maine markkinoilla usein edeltää konversiota.

Lifetime palveluliiketoiminta on hyvämaineista.

6. Viittaukset sekä referenssit

Suusta suuhun ja tyytyväisiltä asiakkailta saadut viittaukset voivat olla tehokkaita tekijöitä, koska niihin sisältyy tietty sisäinen luottamus.

7. Reagointikyky

Oikea-aikainen ja tehokas viestintä on ratkaisevan tärkeää. Saavutettavuus ja kyselyiden nopea vastaaminen voivat vaikuttaa valtavasti. Markkinoiden muutosten ymmärtäminen palveluissa.

8. Asiakkaiden tarpeiden ymmärtäminen

Asiakkaan haasteiden syvällisen ymmärryksen osoittaminen ja ratkaisujen räätälöinti vastaamaan asiakkaan erityistarpeita voi olla ratkaiseva tekijä.

9. Joustavuus

Palvelutarjonnan, hinnoittelun tai toimituksen mukautumiskyky voi tehdä palveluistasi houkuttelevampia eri asiakkaille.

10. Ajatusjohtajuus

Kun sinut nähdään alan johtajana tai asiantuntijana blogeissa, seminaareissa, webinaareissa tai julkaisuissa, asiakkaat pitävät sinua parhaana valintana.

11. Selkeä hinnoittelu

Vaikka palvelusi olisivat korkeahintaisia, kustannusten selkeä ja ennakkoluuloton kertominen voi estää mahdolliset väärinkäsitykset tai epäröinnit.

12. Teknologiset edistysaskeleet

Uusimpien työkalujen ja teknologioiden käyttäminen ei ainoastaan ​​optimoi palvelujasi, vaan myös juurruttaa potentiaalisissa asiakkaissa luottamusta nykyaikaiseen lähestymistapaasi.

13. Takuut

Soveltuvissa tapauksissa jonkinlaisen tyytyväisyystakuun tarjoaminen voi vähentää palveluiden vuokraamiseen liittyviä havaittuja riskejä.


Pohjimmiltaan päätös asiantuntijapalvelujen ostamisesta riippuu pitkälti luottamuksesta, koetusta arvosta ja varmuudesta, että valittu palveluntarjoaja pystyy ratkaisemaan asiakkaan ongelman tai vastaamaan hänen tarpeisiinsa, niin nyt kuin tulevaisuudessa (lifetime value).

(LSJ) Green H2 Garden multimodal agent core

(LSJ) Green H2 Garden multimodal agent core

Stop 🛑 Burning. Start Watering 💦🍓🍓🍓✨✨✨

The multimodal agent core for a Green H2 Garden project is important as the solution is autonomous and can operate itself with the given geolocation, available hydrogen H2, the size and purpose of the Garden. The sensors gather data from the ground, plants, air, humidity, temperature etc. all relevant metrics to keep Green H2 Garden operational with as little work in place as is wanted by the Gardener.

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(LSJ) Lifetime joins Digital Trust Finland Program

Creating Business advantage from digital trust and secure managed sourcing

What is Digital Trust Finland Program?

The Digital Trust Finland program helps Finnish companies build business on digital trust and safety, attracts investments and facilitates ecosystems in Finland.

Read the Digital Trust Program Press Release here.

Lifetime Group hop on Board of Digital Trust Program

CEO of Lifetime Group, Risto Anton sees the possibilities of the Business Finland Program as a great opportunity for our secure managed sourcing business and cloud ready teams;

Lifetime Group on mukana tekemässä turvallisuuteen liittyviä hankkeita mm. Smart Business, Blockchain, hybrid cloud, Secure Managed Sourcing alueilla. Business Finlandin avaus on hieno mahdollisuus verkostoitua johtavien yritysten kanssa, rakentaa digitaalisia ratkaisuja Next-Level kohteena niin Suomi kuin laajemmin World-wide ratkaisut”.

Transformation next steps for Lifetime Group and our Customers

Partnership As A Service

Case Wärtsilä SPARK Innovation Hub : Idea submission.

Lifetime Group has created unique Secure Managed Sourcing business model for corporations who wish to win in the ecosystem race. Our new Cloud Ready Teams initiative combine 50 IT related roles, 16 team categories, and 16 carefully chosen suppliers Worldwide to bring more hands on the SPARKs deck. 

Our 250+ specialists are all available for SPARK projects at Lifetime Digital Workspace. This will greatly add people resources and scalability of your workforce. 

Lifetime Group is member of Business Finland Digital Trust Program 2019-2024.

Lifetime Group is building blockchain based solution CIMS Crypto Investment Management System which helps Entrepreneurs get fundraising and allow incentives through micropayments business model.

Building a Smart ecosystem is just a beginning. Winning in the ecosystem race is the goal that needs to be addressed every day. 

With our Cloud Ready Teams involved all your ideas can be brought up to market faster.


Thank you of being a lifetime friends,

Risto Anton Päärni

PS. I would be honored if you want to read white paper about this (fresh build) business concept.

Lifetime Group

+358 400 319 010


Partnership As A Service. We can help creating a winning ecosystems.

digital trust areas include

  • Data Analytics

  • Scenario Based

  • New Business Model NPV

  • Operational Business Model LTV

  • Smart Ecosystem Partnership

  • Customer Experience Management FAST

  • IoT

  • Blockchain

  • Robotic Process Automation RPA

  • TA Test Automation

  • Transformation As A Service

  • Agile

  • Secure

  • Digital Trust

  • IA Intelligent Automation

  • AI Artificial Intelligence

(LSJ) Why you should consider use of gRPC services over HTTP APIs?

(LSJ) Why you should consider use of gRPC services over HTTP APIs?

(LSJ) a Short introduction about gRPC and its use scenarios, technologies.

gRPC - high-performance universal RPC framework

gRPC is a modern RPC framework that can run in any environment. It can efficiently connect services in and across data centers with pluggable support for load balancing, tracing, health checking and authentication. It is also applicable in last mile of distributed computing to connect devices, mobile applications and browsers to backend services.

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(LSJ) What is Data Science Platform?

When building teams

Market Definition/Description

Data Science Platform definition

A cohesive software application that offers a mixture of basic building blocks essential for creating all kinds of data science solution, and for incorporating those solutions into business processes, surrounding infrastructure and products.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is hyped:

Hype about AI is at its peak, but AI must be distinguished from data science and ML. Of course, data science is the core discipline for the development of AI, and ML is a core development of AI, but this is not the whole story. ML is about creating and training models; AI is about using those models to infer conclusions under certain conditions. AI is on a different level of aggregation to data science and ML. AI is at the application level.

Data Science and ML models must be combined to work together with other capabilities, such as a UI and workflow management, to constitute an AI Application.

The Report finds variety of audiences to data science and ML platforms (modified):

  • Citizen data scientists who are accessing (open) data and building data science and ML models. They come from roles such as business analyst, line of business (LOB) analyst, data engineer, and application developer.

  • LOB data science teams who address initiatives in areas such as digital marketing, risk management, Customer Engagement Management.

  • Corporate data science teams who have strong executive sponsorship, and can take a cross-functional approach. They do model building and end-to-end process for building and deploying data science and ML models.

  • Star (Mavericks) Data Scientists. The Python, R, Apache Spark Gurus.

(Gartner Report Magic Quadrant for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms, published 28 January 2019 ; by Analysts Carlie Idoine, Peter Krensky, Erick Bretheneoux, Alexander Linden).

(LSJ) Lifetime Classification of Consultants

IDC asked me for salary study our classification of Consultants and their payment expectations for 2019. Here is our Classification of Consultants for Secure Managed Sourcing.

1. Consultants (skills level 2,3,4)

Installation & administration of hardware, operating systems, Microsoft office 365 / G Suite software Administration, implementing security solutions on desktop, servers and LAN. Support of hardware, operating systems and office-software, troubleshooting and repair. Any new consultant is in this category before clearing Cloud Ready Teams Certification Program. Quality Assurance.

2. Developers (skills level 2,3,4)

1-3 years of experience

3-5 years of experience

5+ years of experience

of Coding,  test automation,  Applications Production, DevOps. 10 Programming languages.

3. Technical Project Managers

Thorough competence within a specific area. For instance JIRA, SAFe, cloud computing, networking, security, Linux. The specified person has a long experience and thorough technical understanding – but not a broader approach toward the solutions. System integrator specialists (Mulesoft, Openshift), system designers within a specific solution. Technical Project managers.

4. Cloud solutions architects

Cloud Solutions Architects cover a broader area, for instance combining server, network and application knowledge to design the overall infrastructure. Capable of creating requirement specifications based on for instance workflow descriptions etc. Senior project managers, large projects.

5. Senior consultants

Combining technical and smart business comprehension (not management consultants). Competence in organizational analysis combined with a technical understanding – the business part of cloud solutions architects. IT estimation, risk estimation, business continuity analysis – from a business and an IT perspectives.

6. Strategic Advisors

Management consulting. Advisor level. Strategy formation. Cloud Strategies. Please contact us.

(LSJ) Creativity Revolution happens now

Lifetime Group is an IT consulting and software product development company that designs, develops and deploys solutions based on Artificial Intelligence.
AI & Analytics. AIoT. Machine Learning. Custom App Development. Digital Strategy. Consulting. Cloud Migration. Streaming Media. Analytics. Marketing. eCommerce Solutions. Machine Learning. Agile Project. Advisors & Teams You Trust.

#creativity as a disruption

#knowledge revolution

#creativity comes from Lifetime Studios

#Artificial Intelligence based Smart Business Concept

#Sharded Pods Architecture

#From CopyCat companies into Creativity driven companies

#Innovation Management

#New Technology Revolution



#Global Challenges






















