(LSJ) How can Open Data and Social & Schooling App help Children and Charity Operation Playground ?
/How can We use Open Data and Benefit Social media, in Charity Operation Playground ?
We should create an open database where all refugee children are listed.
Every child should have a Twitter account f.e.@Jack. We should know about @jack that he actually comes from Asia, is 55 years old, and is very professional in martial arts.
@jack has done great and funny movies.
He now lives in refugee camp in Lebanon, and cannot go to school since there is none. But he would like to go school like all the kids in the refugee camp.
- With this knowledge we could tailor much better and personal campaigns to help the refugees.
Those of us whose heart is warm could choose the child and schools he or she wants to mentor and give love and donations.
Through Twitter keeping touch between the child and his/her family and us is easy and just a normal daily life tweet :-)
Creating human relations is the best way us all to learn about each other.
- What is the cheapest Huawei phone model. How much it would cost to have 400k such a phones to refugee children in Lebanon? They could go to school using Huawei phones and Schooling App since there is no room in the class for more than 200k. Thank You in avdance for any advice or answer /risto
Thank you for your goodness and friendship /risto
@EyeOfJackieChan Jackie Chan invites you to see all the latest news and photos at his official website
@Jack is actually Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter. Cheers to both Gentlemen :-)