(LSJ) Coronavirus Press release Lifetime Group

Dear Lifetime Friends,

customers and partners,


Pandemic reaches us all and it is also by changing our way of working, the way of engaging with other people and how we interact with the communities. We at Lifetime Group are making our best to help minimize the effects of the virus to keep our people, customers and partners safe and sound, and our operations running. 

In this letter you find a summary of the measures the Group is undertaking in the current crisis.

Stay safe with us.

We promise to help on these Pandemic issues; 

1. We need to take all action available to us to restrict the pandemic go further.

2. We need to get vaccinated when it is available.

3. We need to take our friends, customers, partners, and anyone we are working with here on LinkedIn to ensure that The pandemic is not going to destroy our humanity in any way. 

4. We should make sure in our daily operations that loneliness 

is one of the biggest real life problems that we want to solve with our own behavior.

5. We need to put more effort on answering people and making our communications

more personal when possible.

6. We realize that there are economic challenges for many and act as friendly partners.  

7. We help personally when we notice there is fear that does not come from reality so people can go to doctor or other services if need be.

8. We help organizations that not yet know how to work remotely and online so that they can continue their communities work more


Thank you for being lifetime friends !

Daily leadership and communications

The Management team has set up a communication team who daily reviews the latest developments of the coronavirus epidemic, decides on the needed actions and communicates to Customers, employees and partners frequently.


We continue to offer project work resources remotely 

The Cloud ready teams and our Lifetime Certified Partner Consortium partners have been advised to work remotely and all meetings are held virtually. 

Lifetime Digital workspace is used to deliver project remote work.

We follow the recommendations of public health care and our crew apply social distancing by minimising social contacts and avoiding public transportation, when possible. 

We have also established a discussion channel on Slack and on Microsoft Teams to share remote working best practices using Lifetime Digital Workspace services.

Work with us daily

Together with our partners, we are offering daily webinars, virtual meetings and events. We have asked our people to be available for video conferencing for any requests you may have. We support Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google Hangouts, and virtual VR meeting rooms. We have updated our Bandwidth to manage video conferencing.

We avoid working and physical contacting when sick

We encourage you to stay home if they have any respiratory symptoms, or your family member is sick, quarantined or has been traveling in the risky areas. We have extended the sick leave on self notice to five days, which also applies to situations where employees need to take care of a sick child. We encourage you for enhanced personal hygiene and social distancing. We wash hands carefully and more often, avoid shaking hands, and keep social distance with people who are coughing and sneezing. We expect all customers and partners to do likewise. 


The management team will keep you and partners informed on covid-19 situations in the target country on a regular basis. We advise our partners to find out the local public health authorities' regulations when working on-site.  We advise you to follow the advice of local health care professionals. about how to proceed, should someone suspect being infected.

operations management


risk management. Since January 2021 we have started a risk management epic on our production pipeline to ensure our ability to fulfill our service level agreement (SLA) requirements to our customers and capability to serve them on a daily basis. We will continue to ensure that our contingency plans are up to date.

Our organization and operations are following and later audited against the KATAKRI 2015 framework level III (elevated level) requirements. Our contingency plans and processes follow these guidelines. 

Contingency planning 

We will continue to build our capabilities to work remotely, have been tested and VPN connections updated. We advise our partners and own people to make sure that they are able to work from home using Lifetime Digital workspace.

In customer projects we ensure that there are nominated backup persons and auditors making sure project artifacts and documentation are up to date at all times. Our consultants do everything they can to ensure the customer-centric approach.

If you have any questions on any of our policies please contact me on Lifetime Digital Workspace Channel General, or email risto.anton@lifetime.fi


Let’s stay safe !

Risto Anton


Lifetime Group

Lifetime Group offers all digital transformation driven by AI, data and human insight. We offer global culture, services and solutions that help you to build on the competitive edge. 

strategic consulting, custom application development, data-driven, AI, machine learning, data science based on hybrid multicloud services. 

Established in 1989 Lifetime Group offers nearly 5000 certified consultants from our Certified Partner Consortium.

Press releases are available on https://lifetime.fi/press

Published on 24.1.2021.

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